शुक्रवार, 10 मई 2013


                   IMMUNITY BOOST 

IMMUNITY BOOST-  The immune system is a complex and intricate network of  sells ,proteins,tissues and organs that works together to protect the body from infactious micro organism like bacteria,viruses and various other harmful foreign substances.
Immune system disorders happen when the body's immune system is over active or under-active.In case of an over-active , immune system,the body starts attacking its own cells in tissues  while in case of under-active immune system,the body has a reduced ability to fight diseases and becomes vulnerable to infections.
Frequent infections including viral, fungal and infections,colds,chronic,fever,allergic reactions,constant fatigue,tiredness,lethargy and chronic diar rhea are some of the common symptoms of  a weak immune system.


What is spirulina ?

spirulina is a unique one- celled from of blue-green algae.It is known as a super food because  of its unique ability  to blend  with high-quality concentrated food efficiently then any other 
algae.More importantly,spirulina is 60 to 71% absolute protein,with all essential amino acid in perfect balance, that is 2 times more protein then soybean and 4 times more than red meat.  Spirulina is known to be the most digest able protein food . For the past 20 years ,million of people have benefited from it as a safe food supplement.
spirulina  also provides concentration of many other nutrients-amino acids chelated minerals,pigmetations,       harmonse  sugars (complex,natural plant sugar), trace elements ,enezymes  that are in an easily absorbable form.
Spirulina contains vitamins minerals and natural pigments beta carotene.  

 Benefits of Vestige Spirulina-

It is rich in beta carotene that can overcome eye 

problems caused by Vitamin A deficiency

Is beneficial for those who wish to lose weight as it 

contains a large amount of protein,

required for muscle building Boosts immunity in both adults 

and children alike Contains

antioxidants, is an anti-viral agent, and helps lower 

cholesterol levels Has been 

found to have significant positive effects on people 

suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus as it has the ability 

to reduce the fasting blood sugar levels in the body after 6 

to 8 weeks of in take.Spirulina has long been established to 

have cancer fighting

ingredients as it helps boost the immune system.

Spirulina has been seen to reverse the signs seen to reverse 

the signs of aging.



वेस्टीज स्पायरुलिना नील हरित शैवाल है जिसे वैज्ञानिकों ने पृथ्वी का 
सर्वोत्तम  भोजन कहा है

यानी  स्पेड फूड ।  यह 45 प्रकार के पोषक तत्वों से परिपूर्ण है  जो शरीर 

इसमे अन्य वनस्पति से 60.70 गुना अधिक प्रोटीन इसमे बिटा कैरोटीन विटामिन बी  .12 आयरन  
खनीज की मात्रा अन्य पोषक तत्वों की तुलना में अधिक है। इसे लेने से 
शरीर की रोग प

क्षमता बढ़ती है। साथ ही पाचन तंत्र सुधारने कोलेस्ट्राल कम करने कार्डियोवस्कुलर नेत्र ज्योति बढ़ाने

शरीर की प्राकृतिक रुप से सफाई करने केंसर के खतरे से बचाता 

 विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) ने बच्चो के 

सर्वांगीण विकास के लिए स्पायरुलिना लेने की  सिफारिश की है। स्पायरुलीना एक   समुद्री  भाजी है   वेस्टीज स्पायरुलीना के  लाभ .

 प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत बनाता है।
हृदय की वाहनियों के स्वास्थ्य को सुदृढ़  करता है ।
शरीर  में भोजन की पाचन की क्रिया में सुधार करता है 
शरीर की प्राकृतिक सफाई और डिटाक्सीफिकेशन में वृध्दि करता है ।
बेहतर एंटी आक्सीडेंट  सुरक्षा प्रदान करके  कैंसर के खतरे को कम करता है ।
वेस्टीज स्पायरुलीना में है .
13 विटामिन
13 मिनरल
3  नेचुरल मेंट्स
18 एमिनो एसिड   



NONI's botanical name is MorindaCitrifolia,is a tropical fruit found primarily in the South Pacific.About the size of a potato, Noni can very in colors from white to yellow to green 
Tahitians have used Noni for centurise because of its healthful benefits.
   Noni  contains Xeronine,which is found in the healthy cells of micro- organisms,
plants,animals and humans. Xeronine is vital for the proper functioning of all body cells and allow s the proteins in our bodies to perform their individuals duties. It enlarges the prose in the walls of human cells to enable nutrients to enter cells easily for increased absorption.

Benefits of MorindaCitrifolia- Noni contains a number of essential vitamins and minerals that strangth the immune system,aid in respiratory problems and enhance overall well being.

वेस्टीज नोनी. यह दक्षिण एशियाई  एक कसैला फल है  जिसका बॅाटनिकल नाम मिरिन्डा

सिट्रोफोलिया हैएइसे भारतीय शहतूत कहा जाता है डॅक्टर रॅा  हेनिकी ने 

1953 में नोनी पर किए गए अपने 
शोध में पाया कि जो हम भोजन करते है उससे हमारी 

कोशिकाओ  को पूर्ण पोषण  नही मिल पाताए इसमे जेरोनाईन प्रो.जेरोनाईनए प्रो.जेरोनाईनेज

आर्गेनिक एसिडएविटामिन मिनरल और डेम्ना कैन्थल एपोषक एन्जाइम और पॅालीसेकेराइड्स

 पाया जाता हैएयह शरीर की कोशिकाओ  को पूर्ण पोषण देने में मदद करता है।

जिससे हम बीमार हो जाते हैं यह अर्थराइटिस के

रोगिय़ों के साथ . साथ उच्च रक्तचापएअस्थमा से पीडित रोगिय़ों और बालों की समस्याए गाठों को 


चर्मरोग एवं पाचन संबंधी  समस्याओं से भी छुटकारा दिलाता है, यह लगभग 70 प्रकार के

बीमारियों के लिए उपयुक्त मना गया है।

 वेस्टीज नोनी के उपयोग-

नोनी में उपस्थित जेरोनाइन शरीर की कोशिकाओ की सतह मे पाए जाने वाले छेदों को बड़ा करती

है, ताकि ऩ्यूट्रीन्ट्स कोशिकाओं में प्रवेश कर जाए 

और ऩ्यूट्रीन्ट्स के  एब्जार्शन को बढ़ाता है ।

इसमें जरूरी  विटामिन और मिनरल हैए जो  आपकी  

प्रतिरक्षण प्रणाली को मजबूत बनाते हैं ।

नोनी में जेरोनाइन  है जो कैंसर से लडने में मदद करता है ।

जिन लोगों को सांस की परेशानी होती हैए उनके लिए 

लाभ दायक है ,मुहांसे एग्जीमा में   लाभ दायक है ।

जिन लोगों को कब्ज अपच दस्त होती है नोनी  उनके लिए लाभ दायक है ।


 WHAT IS ALOEVERA ?                                                                         
Aloevera the botnical name for whichis Aloebarbadnsis,
is a spesis of succulent plant that originated in Northern-Africa,the Canry IceLands and Cape Verde. 
AleoVera grows in arid climates and is widely distributed
in Africas and other arid areas.The Species is freequently being used in  herbal medicines due to its very many healthy benifits.
AleoVera is a stem less or very short- stemmed succulent plant growing up to 60-100 cm(24-39 in) tall,
spreading by offsets.The leaves are thick and flashy, green to gray-green.It contains almost 95% of water and more than 70 essential medical ingredients including minerals, enzymes,proteins,amino-acids, vitameans,vitameane-B12 and polyseccerides. 
     It's reported that AleoVera extracts may be useful in the treatment of wound and burn healing,diabetes and 
elevated blood lipids in humans.These positive effects of due to the precense of compounds such as- 
Polyseccerides mannans,Anthraquinones and Lectins.

 AleoVera  contains more than 20 amino acids and vital menerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium to helps meet  a person's daily requirments .it's also contains Enezymes ,Vitamins,Polyseccerides,Nitrogen 
and other componants whih truely make AleoVera a miracle herb.

BENIFITS OF ALEOVERA-  AleoVera has cooling and smoothing properties.That nutrints in AleoVera help in geting relief from skin and hair dis orders.It acts as a demulcent to the digestive system and aids in proper digestion.
Aloe Vera is a plant that has proven rejuvenating, healing and soothing properties, Aloe Vera contains more than 20 amino acids and vital minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Sodium to meet your daily requirements. It also contains enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides, nitrogen and other components, which truly make Aloe Vera a miracle product. Aloe Vera is cooling and soothing. It acts as a demulcent to the digestive system and is useful in cases of constipation, acidity, liver weakness and dyspepsia. It also helps treat skin disorders and is apt for all hair related problems.



Bovien Colostrum is the initial lacteal secreation produced by the mammary gland of mother cow before the production of  milk. 
Any secretion there after is termed as transitional Colostrum.
Only collected colostrum 0-6 hours after childbirth maintains a balance bettween imunological and body regulating active proteins and is known as BovingColostrum.
Colostrum contains many benificial substance, the most important are these substances are:-Immunoglobines and body regulating, lactoferin,
proline-rich polypeptide,cytokines, and vitamins.  
Bovine Colostrum is very similar towhayprotein's 
efficiency ratio.Furthermore,it's low in fat and is lactose free. BovineColostrum has been known for it's role in improving stregth and poweroutput in case of  athletes and fitness enthusiasts. 
It's alsoknown for its naturally high levels of  insuline like growth factors,specificallyIGF-1 
Colostrum is richer in certain factors then milk.
It has higher amount of Immunoglobinbulins, growth,factors cytokines,and nucleosides then found in milk. It also contains oligosacchrides 
antimicrobiales, and immune-regulating factors.
The Immunoglobinbulins in it helps build immunity against virus.

Bovine Colostrum helps in the maintanance of the cellular tissues and streangthens the immune-
system .It provides energy to the body and might help in restoration of skin elasticity.  
Bovine Colostrum promotes good health and longevity.
Amla- (Emblica officinalis) has been known for its medicinal benefits for more than 3,000 years in Ayurveda and respected as a symbol of good health. It is a rich source of natural Vitamin C. It helps in improving body’s immune system as it contains effective antioxidants and flavonoids. Amla is also good for digestion as it helps the body to absorb and assimilate nutrients from the foods. Each capsule contains Amla Extract Powder (Emblica officinalis) 500 mg 

Dosage: One



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